Is Writing Fiction to Heal for You?

The minute this process for my Writing Fiction to Heal Workshop started coming together, I knew it would be a “different” kind of process than most writers are used to. In an industry where the end goal always seems to be the same (get or become published), this is a radically different approach because the focus is ON the process and not the end goal. Let’s just put it this way:

I knew that this process embraced the “it’s the journey that matters more than the destination” approach.

Here’s a little breakdown.


  • Are you a writer looking for a three-act structure or writing blueprint to get from start to finish with your novel?

  • Are you interested in writing a memoir of your life story and want help with preparing your pitch to agents?

  • Are you looking for a workshop that will help you master the craft of fiction?

If you said yes, then you’re in the *wrong place, friend. The process of writing fiction to heal is not about ANY of those things. In fact, trying to focus on anything other than turning your truth into fiction will set you back in this approach.

*Let me be clear, though. Writing Fiction to Heal can work for every writer if you’re willing to set aside your expectations and everything you’ve “learned” about writing. (More on that in a bit).

PRO TIP: This is often why this process works so well for beginning or non-writers — they haven’t yet been molded by the “rules” so it’s more likely they come into the process with an open mind. Remember how free and creative you felt when you first started?


  • If you’re the kind of writer who can invest time in your self-awareness and recovery, then this is a process you’ll find valuable.

  • If you can set aside any expectation of an outcome and think of it as a self-growth project, you will probably love this process.

  • If you like to experiment and “try on” new processes or ways of doing things, this process is probably a good fit.

  • If you have been considering writing a novel but don’t know where to start, this is also a good process to start with.


When you get down to it, this process works best when you are approaching your project from an experimentation mindset — because the goal of this process is not necessarily to be read or published. Lucky for us all, the healing benefits of writing fiction happens whether another soul reads it or not. Whether we keep it in a drawer or sell it to hundreds of thousands. The point is:

Writers who approach this process without expectations or judgment are usually much happier with the outcome of both their healing and what they’ve written.

Writers who connect intimately with their emotions are able to translate that into fiction writing in a much more healing and realistic way than writers who only skim the surface of emotions and connection.

Writers who jump into this process knowing it’s purely for them and no one else alleviates the pressure that so often holds back our creativity.

I will be the first to admit that this process can be quite emotional and lengthy but that’s because the nature of growth and self-awareness is to learn how to push past the uncomfortableness to seek a better understanding and there, we find relief.

There are many wonderful programs out there that teach writers how to write a novel. They are filled to the brim with amazing information on structure, craft, and the publishing industry. But that’s not what this workshop is.

This workshop is all about turning your pain and traumatic experiences into a fictional story to help your healing journey.

If you’re the type of writer who would benefit from this kind of process or approach, then I encourage you to check out the experimental workshop & community.


Writing Fiction to Heal Workshop

Relaunching in 2022!


Let's Write About S-E-X


Truth IS Stranger than Fiction