My 2022

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that 2021 felt like an extension of the shitshow that was 2020. Maybe a few things here and there improved, but overall, it remained a pretty shitified year (at least for me). That being said, as I’ve been preparing to write this piece (as I do every year), I’m reminded that the year wasn’t without its merits, lessons, breakthroughs, and joyous times. I write these pieces more for me than for anyone else because so often, we get lost in the mundane… the every day “do-ing” of life. We forget. I forget. So I use this piece to bring me back to a place of groundedness. A place of “here’s where you’ve been and here’s where you want to go.” It’s a great litmus test if I’m being honest. And a humbling way to see how far off track (or aligned) I’ve gotten with my goals and dreams.

Last year’s word was Surrender and boy, oh, boy did I embody that word. Over and over and over I surrendered. I could probably write an entire post on what I learned from surrendering but that’s for another day.

My 2022 word of the year is a bit different. And that’s okay. That’s the intention behind it. Because the word itself can mean making a difference.

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of alchemical is:

: involving a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.

YES. As I’ve been doing my end of year reviews and planning for 2022, I couldn’t think of a better word to represent the transformation I wish to see happen for myself in the coming year. I love everything about alchemy. It’s quite an ancient concept and yet, it’s so relevant for today. Relevant for me.

Every year for posterity’s sake, I make a list of things that I did accomplish (more so for future me to read and say, oh hey, you actually did some shit!). This past year has been one for the books, I guess. Although I dealt with a lot of personal issues, I’m ending the year with so many wins, I’m sure I’m forgetting some. Now that’s something I want to remember — that even amidst a shit year, I can still come out winning. So without further ado:

  • Built out more of my creative empowerment community and added new members

  • Apprenticed as a witch

  • Took a mediumship class

  • Supervised students in IAOTRC

  • Taught curriculum on integrative expressive writing into a coaching practice

  • Began storytelling coaching with clients

  • Built workbooks and digital products

  • Took watercolor painting classes

  • Spent time with digital art again

  • Took an intensive book proposal masterclass

  • Finished a Book Proposal

  • Facilitated support groups

  • Chaired a conference

  • Published 25+ articles

  • Published 8 issues of The Augurly

  • Finished a 30 Day Writing Challenge

  • Wrote 1,084,612 Words

Wow. Seeing all I’ve accomplished this year actually brings tears to my eyes. Not because I’ve done something great or incredible — but because I see so much resilience in myself knowing what challenges I’ve faced this year. This list is a reminder — to myself — that I CAN do the things I set my mind to when I believe that I can. Much of what’s on this list are things I’d never done before and to see that I accomplished them anyway feels like a great personal achievement.

My genuine hope for you, dear reader, is that you are able to look back on your year and find the accomplishments that make you proud of yourself. There are undoubtedly many you can find. Trust me, even when it doesn’t seem like you did much — you did. I know it. So take a moment to pat yourself on the back. Take a moment to revel in the “showing up” that you did.

And let’s make 2022 an even better year, together.


Co-Writing and Collaborating: An Interview


Technology to Enhance Creativity