Interviewing the Cat Tarot Deck

Disclaimer: I approach my interviews as if it’s a conversation with the deck and write whatever comes to me intuitively. Sometimes, this shows up in the reflection as a stream of consciousness report. It may be hard to follow, but it’s an accurate depiction of my reactions/thoughts/feelings at the time of the interview.

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Reflection of the interview:

"Like a cat forced to wear a hat, we all feel foolish sometimes."

The Fool, reversed, for this question is perfection for this deck, in my opinion. The guidebook says: The Fool reversed reminds us not to take life too seriously. I think that perfectly encapsulates what personality this deck has — fun, a bit foolish, not to be taken too seriously. Knight of Pentacles, reversed tells me that this deck's strength comes in the form of reconsidering the approach. This is not a traditional deck (though it does follow traditional RWS form), but it's irreverent, fun, tongue-in-cheek. Because of that, using it when things seem too "serious" may actually be a helpful approach. Well, the Page of Swords is literally about keeping someone on their toes, so I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of fun when using this deck, but I'm getting the sense, it's not going to be a deck I use for a lot of "serious" inquiries. I'm laughing so hard right now, because The Hermit is my birth card, Cats are my power animals, and really cats are magnificent Hermit's are they not? The description for the reversal of The Hermit is actually a fantastic answer to this question:

"The Hermit Card in reversal reminds us not to be scaredy-cats. The world needs your wisdom. Come out of your cave and share it."

So, what I think this tells me is that this a great "bridge" deck. By that, it's the kind of deck that can bridge the gap between groups of people who may be skeptical of cards. Or not understand. This deck, I'm learning, makes it easy to understand the archetypes.

King of Wands, reversed for this question makes me think that this deck could come in handy when I'm feeling too "serious" about life and need a reading that makes me laugh or smile. The King of Wands upright is a master of his domain. He has built discipline and structure and cohesiveness. The reversed king is out of sorts, flummoxed and maybe for good reason! So, yes, I think that's exactly what this card is telling me about when to use this deck. The Six of Pentacles, reversed tells me that it's best to use this deck when I've been feeling a little self-centered or selfish. The fun and not-too-serious vibe of this deck will bring me back to a sense of reality... especially as it relates to myself. If I take myself too seriously or put too much emphasis on thinking about myself, I'll lose that sense of playfulness and fun. The Moon for this question is perfect. I think this deck is so fun because it's very intuitive in the sense that it comforts with it's answers and illustrations. It doesn't hide or pretend to be something it's not... it is exactly what it says it is (which, by the way, is exactly how cats are!). I have a feeling this deck and I will have a harmonious, fun, and intuitive relationship. It'll be there when I need it and likewise, I know I can count on it to give me what I need.

Any sensations/feelings to note:

I'm not a giggle type of person, but this deck brings that out in me. I think it's due to the tongue-in-cheek way the illustrations draw upon both cat archetypes and tarot archetypes. I live with 6 cats — I'm very familiar with their varied and robust personalities. These cats in these decks most certainly have personality. I think it's why this deck feels so fun to use.

How do you feel about this deck after this reading?

I think this is a fun deck that I'll be using for just that purpose... when I need to take a moment away from the hustle and bustle of life and need a reason to smile.

What do you like or dislike about this deck so far?

I absolutely LOVE the illustrations and direction of this deck. It's hilarious. I mean, the Death card is a vacuum and the Devil card is a doesn't get much better than that. (Okay, I lie, the Justice card is one of my favorites, too). I think this deck is the perfect combo for any cat and tarot lover. Great combo, great illustrations, great descriptions. This is a winning deck for me!

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Cat Tarot

by Megan Lynn Kott


| Cards from The Cat Tarot, created by Megan Lynn Kott, © 2019 All rights reserved. |

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And So It Is